Each year our talented staff team is hired by the end of November and we spend the next seven months developing our award winning program. No two seasons are ever alike and all of our programs and activities are completely developed months before our campers even get off of the bus. Each season our calendar is filled with a variety of special days and programs and even our typical days are filled with creative surprises and magical moments. The true value of our program, however, is not measured by what participants do all day but how they do it. Campers are immersed in a group setting where they learn to live and cooperate with each other. In doing so, they learn a great deal about themselves and enjoy the rewards of being a contributing member of a caring and inclusive community.


8:30 Wake Up

9:00 Mifkad (Flagpole)

9:15-9:45 Breakfast

9:45-10:05 Nikayon (Cabin Clean Up)

10:15-11:15 Chug (Activity) A / Instructional Swim A

11:30-12:30 Chug B / Instructional Swim B

1:00-1:45 Lunch

2:00-3:00 General Swim

3:15-4:15 Menucha (Rest Period)

4:30-5:30 Chug C

5:45 Mifkad

6:00-6:45 Dinner

7:30-9:00 Evening Program

9:15 Giborim in Cabins

9:30 Goshrim in Cabins

9:45 Giborim Lights Out

10:00 Goshrim Lights Out/Kochot in Cabins

10:20 Kochot Lights Out

10:30 LIT Rad Ha’Yom (Evening Ceremony)

10:45 LITs in Cabins

11:00 LITs Lights Out

Click on the pictures below to learn more about a typical day. This function may not work on your cell phone.

CHUGIM (Activities)

Each camper will have the opportunity to try out all of our activities and then be able to choose their favourites! Every summer we add new and dynamic chugim to our roster! Sports hour, instructional swim, and general swim are offered to all campers every day. Some examples of our chugim include:

Arts & Crafts - Fine Arts - Land Sports - Floor Hockey - Basketball - Bama (Drama) - Gardening - Tennis - Archery - Fitness - Biking - Canoeing - Kayaking - Waterpolo - Water Slide - Glee Club - Photography - Dance - Yoga - Music - Instructional Swim - Journalism (The Weekly Shpiel)


At the beginning of the summer, each camper at Kinneret is paired with a camper from Camp Biluim Canada, Canadian Young Judaea’s National Leadership Institute. After filling out a brief survey, campers are matched with those who share similar interests, and/or life experiences. For the duration of the summer, our Biluim “big siblings” spend time with their little siblings, including participating in organized programs, being buddies at general swim, and sitting together during Shabbat meals. 

The CKB Sibling program is one of the most magical parts of CKB. It gives Biluim campers the chance to experience the role of being a staff member on a smaller scale, and places importance on seeing themselves as role models that the younger campers look up to. In many cases, these “sibling” relationships result in friendships that last far beyond the summer months.


The Kinneret Sports Classic gives our sports-loving campers a chance to improve their skills, gain team experience, and participate in some friendly competition, in a variety of different sports. The KSC was founded by Reuben Rothstein who was a former camper and staff member. Reuben designed the KSC to operate like a professional sports league; the KSC staff play the role of General Managers, while the campers act as managers, coaches, assistant coaches, and players. Team members sign contracts, and engage in trades. The KSC consists of four teams, each representing a city in Israel: Ramat-Gan Rams, Eilat Eagles, Natanya Knights, and the Ashkelon Kings.


The Weekly Shpiel is Camp Kinneret’s very own newspaper. This publication is unique because it is produced by our campers! Our staff supervise the team throughout the week as they collect articles, interview staff and campers, and create fun and engaging challenges for their peers. Every Saturday morning our campers wake up looking forward to the Weekly Shpiel. Check out some of our archives from summers past!

Shpiel Logo.jpg


All of our campers get to experience the beautiful Laurentian’s in some form or another. Our Giborim campers have an overnight at our on site camp ground. They hike up to the highest point on our property and enjoy a night in tents, with s’mores and a traditional bonfire. Our Goshrim campers participate on a camping overnight, in Mont-Tremblant, while our Kochot campers enjoy a two-day, one night canoe trip.  LIT campers get the choice of participating on a two-day hiking trip or a two day canoe trip.  All of our camping trips are run under the supervision of our highly trained tripper and assistant tripper, certified by both Wilderness First Aid and the Royal Lifesaving Society.


In addition to canoe and camping trips, special days at Camp Kinneret include Maccabiah (colour war), Yom Israel, Waterslides, Unit Days, and of course Shabbat!