Camp Kinneret is home to some very impressive facilities. All of our buildings and facilities were thoughtfully designed, are impeccably maintained, and blend beautifully into our natural landscape.
Chadar Ochel
Our Dining Hall, perched on a hill, overlooking our lake. Spacious and airy with great acoustics for eating and cheering!

Cultural Centre
Overlooking our beach, an Arts & Crafts Studio, Dance/Yoga Studio, Music Studio, and Fitness Centre!

Our theatre & largest recreation hall with a stage for drama presentations, talent shows and so much more!

Beit Tina
A smaller Recreation Hall nestled in our cabin area.

Our generous waterfront - home to our swimming docks, boating docks and aqua park!

Where we sort mail and communicate with the outside world.
Our Infirmary from where daily medications are dispensed and campers can be seen by our nurse and doctor.
Camper Cabins
Each cabin can accommodate 12-16 campers and up to 3 counsellors. Each cabin is equipped with sinks, toilets and a covered porch with enough seating for all!

Shower House
Designed with screened louvres around the entire structure to allow the steam to escape and large enough for an entire cabin of campers to shower at the same time. Individual stalls with curtains for complete privacy. The floor and shelving are constructed of cedar which smells great! Propane hot water tanks provide an endless supply of hot water, the temperature centrally controlled. Campers keep their toiletries on a shelf in the shower house so that they don’t need to carry them to and from their cabins.

Paths & Bridges
Campers travel to each activity area along paths that are nestled among the trees!

RiverS & WaterfallS

Archery Range

Tennis Courts

The Plex
A full sized NBA Basketball court surrounded by permafib floor hockey boards with enough seating for 400 spectators! Rain or shine, our Sports Complex is an inspiring arena where we run many activities and host our KSC League and annual Ernie Furt Floor Hockey Tournament!

Sports Field
With lights that are so bright it actually feels like day even at night, this is where we play soccer, flag football, have relay races and so much more!

Baseball Diamond

Built by our LIT campers in 2012, under the watchful eye of our master carpenter, our playground is where our Giborim and Goshrim campers like to hang out on their free time.

Basketball Courts
Two exterior full sized basketball courts that complement the interior basketball court at our Sports Complex.