Wake Up
Wakeup takes place at 8:30 am on Sunday-Tuesday, and Thursday-Friday. On Wednesdays, campers and staff enjoy a one-hour sleep-in, to ensure they stay well rested throughout the week. On Saturdays, campers may wake up anytime before noon. A variety of activities are offered on Saturday mornings and campers are free to move from activity to activity (including fishing, general swim, basketball, and arts and crafts) under the careful supervision of staff members.
Mikfad (flagpole) is both a location in camp, as well as an important part of every day. Every morning before breakfast, the entire Kinneret family comes together to make announcements and raise the Canadian and Israeli flags while singing Oh Canada, and reciting the Judean Pledge.
Delicious hot breakfasts are served every day in our Chadar Ochel. Breakfast choices range from freshly baked croissants to scrambled eggs and hash browns. A selection of cereal, yogurt, fruit, and oatmeal are served every day.

Cabin Nikayon (Clean-Up)
Cabin Nikayon takes place each day after breakfast, in order to ensure that all cabins stay tidy throughout the summer. Every camper is responsible for cleaning their own area, as well as one cabin-wide chore per day (ie. sweeping, cleaning up the clothesline, etc.). Not only does nikayon help the cabin stay clean, it also encourages team work within the cabin group!
Chug A
Each camper has the opportunity to choose four chugim (activities) for the summer. Please see below for a detailed list of chugim that we offer at camp.

Chug B or Instructional Swim
This hour allows our campers to further develop their skills! Depending on the unit, our campers will either participate in more chugim or have instructional swim.
Our dairy lunches feature traditional camp favourites like grilled cheese and lasagna, with a healthy twist! Additions to the menu such as sweet potato fries, bean salad, and whole grain bread ensure that campers get the nutrition they need. Freshly made soups, tuna, hard-boiled eggs, salad, fresh fruit, soy nut butter, and bread are available every day. Lactose free alternatives are also available daily.
After lunch, everyone enjoys an hour-long rest period. Campers use this time to write letters home, read, hang out with friends, or make use of some of the many activities that are open to them during this time. Campers can use this time to go down to the courts for a casual game of basketball, make friendship bracelets in the arts and crafts room, or challenge a cabin mate to a game of ping-pong.

Chug C
Each camper has the opportunity to choose four chugim (activities) each session.

General Swim
Whether you’re windsurfing, sharing a pedal boat ride with a friend, practising your strokes, or just splashing around with your cabinmates, general swim is an opportunity for campers to enjoy what they love most about the waterfront. Our buddy system ensures that all campers are accounted for during this time, and general swim is run under the watchful eye of our Waterfront Director and our team of Royal Lifesaving Society certified lifeguards.

Chug D or Instructional Swim
Instructional swim takes place daily and offers campers the chance to pass their swimming level through fun and dynamic swimming lessons run by Royal Lifesaving Society certified instructors. Campers who have passed all of their swimming levels will work with our staff as “assistants” during lesson time, as well as have time to work on improving their own skills.

Evening Mifkad
Every evening before dinner, the entire Kinneret family comes together to make announcements and lower the Canadian and Israeli flags while singing Hatikvah.

Our delicious dinners are not your average camp meals! Our chef works hard to cook up fresh and nutritious dinners for our campers and staff, including chicken fajitas with fresh guacamole, spaghetti and meat sauce, chicken and avocado club sandwiches and, of course, Wednesday night cook outs! Tuna, hard-boiled eggs, salad, fresh fruit, soy nut butter, and bread are available every day. Vegetarian alternatives are also available daily.
Evening Program
Every night, our entire camp comes together to participate in evening programs that have been developed by our experienced staff. These programs range in themes, covering everything from social media to Israeli culture! All of our evening programs encourage teamwork between campers, and offer the campers a chance to meet new people and develop strong relationships with one-another.
Leaders in Training (LIT) Post-EP
Many nights after the younger campers have gone to bed, the oldest campers will participate in programs specially designed for them, by their staff. These programs encourage relationships building, leadership skill development, and teamwork, and help our LIT campers to become active and confident leaders.

Lights Out
Giborim campers go to sleep at 9:15 pm, Goshrim campers at 9:30 pm, Kochot campers at 10:15 pm and LIT campers at 11:00 pm. Each cabin at Camp Kinneret has their own nightly ritual, which is developed by their cabin staff each summer. This ritual helps campers to come together before bed each night and share the events of the day with one another. It encourages campers to treat each other like a family, and helps establish routine within the cabin.